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Save time, money, and solve business problems without complicated, monolithic solutions

Automating brings a lot of benefits to growing businesses like yours, but sometimes your app choices are either too simple or too complicated. A Custom, tailor-made app built only for your business can keep you ahead of the competition.

Streamline Operations

Custom Apps can reduce data-entry errors and make sure information is easy to find

Increase Productivity

With your team having access to the right tools to do their work, people can do work faster

Work from Anywhere

Because of the rise of the "next normal," Custom Apps enable your team to work where they want

Integrate with Others

No app is an island, and a great custom app platform enables you to share and get data from other apps

Our Services

We offer end-to-end services to solve your business challenges and achieve your organizational goals. From Claris Platform Consulting, Custom App Development, Maintenance and Support, and Claris Licensing, BCM Consulting is your partner in growth.

Consulting and Coaching

Insights, strategies, and advisory on how the Claris Platform can improve your bottom line

Custom App Development

Design, develop, and deploy centralized, secure custom apps for desktop, mobile, and web

Maintenance and Support

Keep your solutions and infrastructure up to date with the fast-changing business landscape

Claris Licensing

Avail from us your FileMaker Server On-premise or FileMaker Cloud licenses for your whole team


Want to create a custom business app from scratch with the Claris FileMaker Platform? Check out our 30-Day App Blueprint and other helpful resources below.

30-Day App Blueprint

Your FREE guide to creating custom business apps with the Claris FileMaker Platform - from scratch!


Helpful resources, frequently asked questions, and info sheets about our prouducts and services.

Some of the companies we've helped

Since 2000, we’ve been helping businesses in manufacturing, marketing, and service industries worldwide.

BCM Consulting is a Claris Partner

Claris Partners are fluent in technology, but they’re way more than that. They’re workplace innovators who use the Claris platform to make companies run more efficiently and expand growth. You can count on the Claris Partner you select to give the level of support your business requires through the development cycle.

Claris Partner Logo